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Help: Short tutorial - Stereo Tool 3.11
Stereo Tool tutorial - page 4
Next, we adjust the multiband compressor sliders to match the music that we are going to play. For the best results, the multiband compressor should aim at a sound that is equal to that of most of the music we are going to play. In other words, a roughly equal amount of compression for all frequency bands.

The default settings were made using a wide range of modern (1980s-2000s) popular songs. This means that this step can usually be skipped if that's the type of music that you will be playing.

Adjust the multiband compressor soft limit (amplitude threshold) sliders such that all of the output bars are - on average - at the same volume.

Large differences, bad

Almost equal, good

Note that these values will be different for different (parts of) songs. Use a number of songs that already sound good to check your settings. Make sure that - on average - the output bars remain at roughly the same level. (The image at the right is much better than what you should expect to achieve.)

The amount of compression is now the same for all frequency bands. If you turn the multiband compressor off, the sound should stay roughly the same (set the Post Amp very low to avoid distortion if you want to test this).

Compressing or limiting the sound too much can really hurt the sound quality. In the next step, we will prevent that from happening.

Go to the next step
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